Национальный доклад «Молодежь Казахстана – 2018» - часть 26


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Национальный доклад «Молодежь Казахстана – 2018» - часть 26




in the number of minors brought to trial with a previous 

record of committed offenses. A significant number of 

adolescents commit offenses again. In some regions, the 

proportion of minors who are repeat offenders reaches 

more than 30 % – meaning that one in three convicted 

juveniles have already committed criminal offenses 


The number of suicides and suicidal attempts among 

young people is decreasing in Kazakhstan. Nevertheless, 

the problem of suicides among young people continues 

to be relevant.

9. Analysis of the religious situation and the 

attitude of young people to religion showed that, 

according to the results of sociological research, 69 % 

of young people identified themselves as believers. 

However, 62.6 % of 69 % of young believers are not 

deeply involved in religious practices. Almost a third 

of young people (28.2 %) identified themselves as 


In the youth environment there are risk factors that 

may lead to involvement in radical religious ideology 

such as difficulties in finding employment or obtaining 

higher education, low income as well as low levels of 

social activity and involvement in society. Young people 

remain vulnerable to the propaganda of radical ideas; 

therefore, special preventive programs should be in 

place to prevent the spread of radical religious ideology 

among Kazakh youth. Attention should be paid to the 

insufficient level of involvement of young Kazakhstanis 

in volunteering and the activities of various youth 


Thus, an analysis of the current situation of 

Kazakhstani youth revealed both positive areas as well 

as problem areas that require effective management 


The year 2019, the Year of Youth declared by the 

President, will improve the existing positive trends 

among young people by setting a new impetus for youth 




National report 

«Youth of Kazakhstan – 2018»



These recommendations based on an analysis of

youth policy and presented in chapters of the National

Report, which are specific areas of youth activity.


International experience in the implementation

of youth policy

- It is necessary to study the main indicators of the

Youth Progress Index and submit a plan to improve

the position of Kazakhstan in this ranking;

- The effectiveness of the implementation of

youth policy in foreign countries largely depends on

the professional training of personnel for working

with  young  people.  At  present,  in  the  Classifier

of specialties and professions of the Republic of

Kazakhstan there is no such specialty as “Specialist

in work with youth”. The opening of such specialties

and departments in the Republic of Kazakhstan will

allow preparing professional personnel for working

with young people;

- In Kazakhstan, a large number of government

programs and youth support projects implemented.

We  recommend  examining  the  effectiveness  of

the implementation of these programs, which will

determine  their  strengths  and  weaknesses  and

continue to conduct more targeted (targeted) work

with different categories of young people (as is

practiced in foreign countries);

- Interesting is the experience of the activities of

youth organizations in Japan (the Japanese Youth

Chamber), which on the one hand is regulated by the

state, and on the other, is quite diverse and structured;

- Taking into account the attention of the state to

socially vulnerable categories of young people and the

adoption of the NEET Roadmap for Employment and

Socialization of Youth in the Republic of Kazakhstan,

the experience of the Austrian Republic in “preventive

measures” of working with young people who fall into

the risk category can be useful;

- Considering the reorganization of the structure of

the Ministry of Social Development of the Republic of

Kazakhstan, we consider it appropriate to study the

activities of the Ministry of Gender Equality and the

Family of the Republic of Korea.

Health and leisure of the younger generation

- It is necessary to develop educational materials

aimed  at  promoting  a  healthy  lifestyle.  Special

attention should be paid to explaining the basic

requirements of hygiene and the need to develop and

maintain a healthy lifestyle. These programs should

be adapted for students of different age groups,

starting with pre-school educational organizations;

 - Working with children and young people requires

the use of the most popular forms of informing 

young people about healthy lifestyles: through social 

networks, videos, with the participation of popular 

among the leaders of public opinion leaders;

 - A developed sports infrastructure is a necessary 

element in the promotion of healthy lifestyles, 

mass sports and improving the health of children 

and young people. It is necessary to build a larger 

number of children’s and sports courtyards, to initiate 

a competition among business structures: “Sport to 

each yard”;

- To pay more attention to the issues of proper and 

healthy nutrition of children and adolescents;

- Local executive bodies need to pay attention to 

the overview of the regional specifics of the incidence 

of socially significant diseases among young people 

presented in the National Report and to carry out 

targeted work with risk groups;

- It is necessary to expand the staff of regional 

MRCs to work with young people from rural districts. 

Работа с группами риска

To increase the efficiency of work with risk groups 

among children and young people, it is necessary to:

- Develop more differentiated screening models 

that can identify the complex needs of adolescents 

and young people;

- To improve the program of training and 

professional development of educational 


- Strengthen engagement with policy and decision 

makers so that mental health and primary health care 

systems adequately resourced to meet demand;

- To continue the work on the implementation of 

the program for the prevention of suicides among 

minors (the pilot phase of which was implemented 

in the Kyzylorda region);

- It is advisable to limit the wide media coverage of 

suicidal incidents in the media and social networks.

Socio-economic situation of youth

- In order to stimulate the development of young 

business start-ups, it is necessary first of all to 

strengthen information support. Attracting leaders 

of public opinion from a group of representatives 

of youth entrepreneurship, the development of 

an informal environment for communication and 

information exchange can launch effective models 

for the development of small entrepreneurship 

among young people;

- It is necessary to stimulate and strengthen the 

work on attracting public organizations and charitable 

foundations to the process of creating new platforms 



in which young people could develop their own ideas, 

get expert advice on the example of the Avangard 

Plus School of Young Entrepreneurs;

- Measures to reduce administrative and financial 

barriers should include the development of special 

regional programs for the development of youth 

entrepreneurship, which will make funding available, 

simplifies the conditions for young people to get 

loans to start their own business;

- In order to show products and other achievements 

of young businessmen, strengthen economic, 

scientific and trade-industrial relations between small 

and medium-sized businesses, provide preferential 

access to information about the demand and supply 

of products (works and services) throughout the 

territory of Kazakhstan, it is necessary to provide 

widespread assistance subjects of small and medium 

business on participation in exhibitions, fairs;

- It is necessary to expand the network of 

assistance of individual mentors, advising in the 

preparation of business plans and training in various 

business issues, which can allow young businessmen 

to get up faster and avoid common mistakes at the 

start of a business;

- In order to create and develop favorable 

conditions for the work of small and medium-

sized businesses (SME support funds, technology 

parks,  business  incubators,  consulting  firms, 

information agencies, business centers and others), 

it is necessary to analyze on a monitoring basis of 

the existing support infrastructure at the regional 

level youth entrepreneurship. The effectiveness 

of its activities will largely depend on how well the 

infrastructure of small business support will be 

developed at the regional level;

- Particular attention should be paid to the 

development of rural youth who need active advocacy 

for state support tools. Entrepreneurial activities of 

rural youth cannot be achieved through the market 

mechanism of self-regulation. Programs targeted at 

rural youth should include special projects on training 

in analyzing the opportunities of the local market and 

drawing up business plans, as well as the agricultural 

and business skills necessary to create their own 

business and organize its work. It is necessary to take 

into account the fact that access to loans and funds 

is a big problem for rural youth due to their age, lack 

of collateral;

- One of the promising areas of youth business is 

social entrepreneurship. An effective measure can 

be the possibility of participation of young social 

entrepreneurs in any educational, informational and 

financial program that is implemented within the 

framework of regional entrepreneurship support 

programs, even if there are no special programs for 

preparing social entrepreneurs in a particular region.

Military patriotic education of youth:

- It is necessary to understand that the result on 

the formation of a positive image of the army among 

young people is impossible without ensuring legal 

protection of the servicemen themselves, solving a 

set of socio-economic problems (housing, pay, social 

insurance, etc.), providing modern equipment and 

weapons, improving quality summoned contingent, 

etc. That is, it is important not only to create the image 

of the army, but also to live at the level of this image, 

all the time justifying and reinforcing it, otherwise 

it will be exposed. Thus, it is necessary to continue 

work on the social support of military personnel and 

the strengthening of the military-technical equipment 

of the Armed Forces of the country;

- One of the main measures necessary to increase 

the prestige of military service among young people is 

to intensify the military-patriotic education of young 

people, to create a positive image of the defender 

of the Fatherland, to strengthen the prestige of the 

military profession and to motivate military service. 

It is necessary to intensify the implementation of 

a set of measures for patriotic education and the 

formation of civic activism, social responsibility 

and mechanisms for disclosing the potential of 

young people, prescribed in the State Program for 

the Development of Education of the Republic of 

Kazakhstan for 2011-2020, approved by Decree of 

the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 

December 07, 2010 No. 1118;

- The organization of work with parents of 

students is necessary, since the formation of a 

positive or negative attitude towards the need for 

military service depends largely on parents who fear 

the possibility of their sons participating in armed 

conflicts and cases of hazing in the army. In addition, 

the fears of parents and young people serving in the 

army are aggravated by the increasing incidence of 

extremism and terrorism, which led to the death of 

young servicemen and draftees;

 - Conducting advocacy work: posting on television 

and radio special programs, motivational videos and 

advertising video materials aimed at fostering a 

sense of Kazakhstani patriotism, forming a positive 

public opinion about the Armed Forces. It should 

be borne in mind that the origin of negative images, 

representations of the army, refer to the virtual 

stereotype and to the subject levels of perception. 

Knowing the persistence of stereotypes and personal 

life experience of people, work is needed to rebrand 

the image of the army. At the virtual stereotypical 

level, this work will consist in forming a positive image 

of the Kazakhstani army and the soldier through the 



National report 

«Youth of Kazakhstan – 2018»

media, movies, and TV programs, in which the army is 

presented as a strong and powerful, and the military 

are examples of professionalism and decency;

- Work on the formation of a positive image of 

the army should begin with the school. The patriotic 

education of schoolchildren is a systematic and 

purposeful activity in the formation of students’ 

high patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to 

their homeland, readiness to fulfill civic duty and 

constitutional duties to protect the interests of 

the motherland. Mastering the theory and practice 

of military-patriotic education of students, their 

comprehensive preparation for military service, for 

fulfilling their duty to serve the Fatherland is one of 

the tasks of military-patriotic work at school. Creating 

a system of military-patriotic work in school provides 

for the formation and development of socially 

significant values, citizenship and patriotism in the 

process of education and training, aimed at the 

formation and development of the personality of a 

citizen and defender of the Fatherland. As a graphic 

example, it is possible to recommend to every school 

and college to promote graduates who have fulfilled 

their military duty, to create museums, corners and 

stands telling about the service of graduates in the 

Armed Forces;

- It is necessary to continue the practice of 

holding the Recruit’s Day with the participation of 

famous Kazakhstan’s veterans and athletes with 

various contests (songs, drawings), games, relay 

races, sports competitions dedicated to raising the 

prestige of the army among young people, to attract 

students and students to hold various military sports 

games, “Memorie” actions, lessons “Courage”, and 

celebrating the Defender of the Fatherland Day”;

- Particular attention should be paid to monitoring 

the health of students, through the implementation 

of annual medical monitoring, together with their 

parents, the health status of young men from 

adolescence. Continue the practice of incorporating 

members of the public into draft boards and consider 

the possibility of including representatives of parental 

committees in these commissions;

- It is necessary to conduct a sociological study 

“Analysis of the sociological portrait of a modern 


The media need to:

- Increase the number of materials devoted to 

Khalyk Khaharmany (to the Heroes of Kazakhstan), 

holders of orders and medals: Aibyn (Valor), Ergigi 

Ushin (For Courage), Zhuyngerlik Earligi Ushin (Zokin 

Zinin) ) and others. A separate cycle of programs can 

be devoted to parents who have educated the best 

defenders of the Fatherland;

- Actively cover the positive changes occurring 

during the period of modernization in the army. 

Together with the Ministry of Defense of the Republic 

of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Culture and Sports 

of the Republic of Kazakhstan, consider issues of 

creating and showing films and broadcasts aimed 

at forming a broad public opinion regarding service 

in the Armed Forces as an honorable duty and new 

psychology of conscripts aiming at fulfilling their 

civic duty.

Improvement of work with youth in the religious 


One of the main threats in the religious sphere 

of Kazakh society is the spread of radical religious 

ideology among the population. The youth, as noted, 

is the most vulnerable to the propaganda of radical 

ideas; therefore, special preventive programs should 

be in place to prevent the spread of radical religious 

ideology among Kazakhstani youth. For example, in 

the UK, since 2007, preventive programs have been 

launched to counter religious extremism among 

young people. Such programs, to be effective, must 

take into account a set of risk factors of involvement 

in a radical ideology. In accordance with this, it is 

necessary to clearly define the list of goals to be 

achieved and the content of these programs. For 

example, the mentioned preventive program in the 

UK includes a range of trainings and various types of 

activities, not limited to religious knowledge. The first 

direction of the program, respectively, the subject of 

trainings includes the formation of open to a positive 

perception of other cultures and religions, an increase 

in the interaction between young people of different 

religions and ethnic cultures and the promotion of 

cultural tolerance. The second direction and subject 

called “Identity and affiliation” includes strengthening 

civic consciousness and inviting young people to 

engage in social processes. The third direction of the 

program, focused on personal and social education, 

includes training in critical thinking skills. The fourth 

direction of the program focuses on the types of 

constructive activity: it is sports, art, media, leisure, 

visits to museums, theaters, monuments, famous 

places of the city. The fifth area includes work on the 

prevention of crime among young people. The sixth 

direction is the teaching of the basics of theology, the 

promotion of moderates, correlated with the tradition 

of a given people, interpretations of Islam. Thus, the 

emphasis should be placed not only on religious 

knowledge, but on the inclusion of young people in 

social processes so that they feel themselves to be 

an actor of social processes;

- It is necessary not only to improve preventive 

programs for the prevention of religious extremism 

among young people, but also an objective 



assessment of their effectiveness. Adequate 

evaluation of effectiveness involves not just 

monitoring, but serious scientific research into the 

work of preventive programs by scientists with the 

publication of reports. This practice is widespread in 

Europe. Similar reports assessing the effectiveness 

of preventive programs are available on academic 


- It is necessary to involve socially oriented 

non-governmental organizations that work with 

deviant and marginalized groups of young people 

in preventive programs to prevent the spread of 

radical religious ideology among Kazakh youth. 

As noted by foreign scientists who have studied 

preventive programs, there is a bright contrast 

between projects originating from the state and 

projects initiated by public organizations, NGOs, and 

volunteer associations in the style of work. Thanks to 

the involvement of non-governmental organizations, 

firstly, preventive work will reach risk groups, and 

secondly, the range of methods of working with 

young people will expand. NGOs use more informal 

methods of working with young people such as 

one-on-one personal communication, organizing 

events, involving young people in various types 

of constructive activities: sports events, going to 

museums, theaters, various social events, etc. To this 

end, to include in the tender for public procurement 

lots for preventive work on the prevention of religious 

extremism among young people;

- The international experience of preventive 

programs includes the involvement of the police in 

these programs, since the police have direct access 

to at-risk groups, namely, young people engaged 

in illegal activities, as well as having served prison 


- In the framework of improving youth policy, it 

is important to focus on establishing a permanent 

relationship between government bodies − agents of 

public policy and youth through youth organizations, 

the non-governmental sector, as well as through 

the Internet space, including social networks and 

forums, in order to inform young people about 

government programs to support young people, 

which will increase the confidence of young people in 

government. It will also be an important contribution 

to preventing the involvement of young people in 

radical religious movements;

- Government agencies need to promote projects 

for the extensive involvement of young people in 

volunteer activities, youth organizations, and civic 

actions in order to increase youth involvement in 

social life and strengthen the sense of belonging to 

Kazakhstan’s society and state;

- Within the framework of scientific research, it is 

necessary to initiate research projects to study the 

role of secularism and religion in the worldviews and 

values of Kazakhstani youth, in order to more deeply 

study the trends in the attitudes and values of modern 

young people living in our country;

-  Within  the  framework  of  readable  special 

courses on “Ruhani Zhangyru”, it is necessary to 

introduce a separate section “Values of the society 

of Kazakhstan” (in educational institutions);

- In the year 2019 declared by the President as 

the Year of Youth to the people of Kazakhstan 

on October 5, 2018, it is necessary to prepare and 

issue popular science documentaries about the 

values of Kazakhstani society, the values of youth 

of Kazakhstan, their continuity with the historical 

traditions of Kazakhstan on national cultural and 

educational channels people, modern trends.

Moral and values of youth

 - It is necessary to allocate a separate grant for 

deep systemic research on the history, evolution and 

forecast of youth subcultures. Publication of relevant 

education, reference, teaching and methodological 

and methodological publications (“Glossary of 

youth subcultures”, “Encyclopedia of subcultural 

movements”, etc.), which will provide an educational 

and methodological basis for the formation of 

subcultural literacy among young people;

- It’s necessary to have a clear analysis of the 

results from sociological research about subcultures 

and youth policy in relevant areas at the national and 

regional levels;

- In the year 2019 declared by the President 

of the country in the Message to the people of 

Kazakhstan on October 5, 2018, it is necessary to 

organize the preparation and production of popular 

science documentaries on the history of subcultures, 

including youth, in the world and Kazakhstan, on 

the national cultural and educational channels 

subcultural trends.

Crime in the youth environment

The complex of measures for the prevention of 

juvenile delinquency and youth should include:

- Creation of a unified system of social prevention of 

offenses, within the framework of which work should be 

carried out to study criminal cases on crimes committed 

by young people, specialists in the field of psychology, 

sociology, and pedagogy. This work will allow to 

study and understand the motives, mechanisms and 

conditions conducive to the commission of offenses by 

young people;

- Organization of work on the inclusion of the offender, 

prone to deviant behavior, in useful social activities;

 - Identification and work with disadvantaged 



National report 

«Youth of Kazakhstan – 2018»

families with income below the subsistence 

minimum). The object of a separate work on the 

prevention of juvenile delinquency should be 

children whose parents suffer from alcoholism, drug 


- Informational work in social networks with the 

aim of cultivating positive behaviors in the adolescent 

environment, promoting moral values;

 - Social support for dysfunctional families 

through interaction with social services (counseling, 

psychological and legal support);

 It should be borne in mind that measures to reduce 

crime in the youth environment are characterized by 

the following features:

• Programs aimed at several risk factors at once 

show better results and cover a larger number of 

young people;

• Programs that involve families, schools and 

society have a greater impact on a young person’s 

life and are more effective than programs that focus 

on one area of influence;

• Programs that change the way a young person 

thinks are especially effective. Criminal behavior 

is often associated with deficiencies in the ability 

to solve problems and make the right decisions; 

therefore, programs aimed at increasing social 

competence are useful;

• Programs that contain components based on 

improving education, improving job prospects and 

helping the offender to reintegrate into society have a 

positive effect on preventing crime among young people;

• Programs tend to be more successful when they 

operate outside the formal juvenile justice system, 

minimizing participation in formal justice processes, 

such as court hearings, and are provided in the community 

rather than in prisons or other detention facilities;

The volume of information on the causes and 

prevention of crime among young people is growing 

rapidly and is also in demand around the world. To 

achieve this goal, significant investments will be 

needed - to improve the mechanisms for supervising 

public peace, to conduct all the necessary scientific 

research and create a global infrastructure for the 

dissemination and application of what has been 

studied. If Kazakhstan can cope with the task and 

provide the necessary resources, crime among young 

people in the foreseeable future can be considered a 

preventable problem.





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