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Chapter 11: - General Engine Questions and Answers 




On opening the steam cock, steam passing through these 
holes expands and passes up the funnel, causing gases and 
air in the smokebox to be discharged.  This results in a 
partial vacuum being formed in the smokebox, and cause a 
draught of air at atmospheric pressure to pass through the 
dampers, grates and firebed to destroy the vacuum, this 
draug ht makes the fire burn fiercely and give off greater 




The blower should only be used lightly to raise steam and 
should not be used when the fire is withdrawn, banked low 
or burnt through, as this causes cold air to be drawn into the 
firebox and unequal contraction of the boiler plates to occur, 
which results in leakage of tubes and stays.  If used too 
strongly or at the wrong time, the blower becomes an abuse 
and will damage the boiler. 


The duty of the blower is to create a draught on the fire to 
prevent gases in the firebox from entering the cab, and to 
start a fresh fire and raise steam pressure gradually.  If used 
judiciously in conjunction with firing, it will do away with 
dense black smoke. 


Name the parts in the smoke box of a locomotive. 


The smoke box of an engine contains a blast pipe and 
nozzle to exhaust the steam to atmosphere after it has done 
its work in the cylinders. 


Steam pipes to convey the steam to the steam chests; 
deflector plates for the purpose of giving a more even flow of 
gases through the tubes, a spark arrester to break up 
cinders that are drawn in from the firebox, the small mesh 
allowing particles of ash to be broken up so finely that they 
cannot cause damage.  


The Westinghouse pump exhaust pipe, which is connected 
to the blast pipe, washout plugs for washing out the barrel; 
an ash ejector chute for removal of smokebox ash; a blower 
pipe and perforated ring to induce the flow of gases from the 
fire door and raise steam gradually. 


When should the ashpan water be used? 


It should always be turned on before any attempt is made to 
open the ashpan slides preparatory to cleaning the fire, and 
should be left on fully all the time fire cleaning is in progress.   

Chapter 11: - General Engine Questions and Answers 




It is essential to flood the ashpan to prevent fine ash dust 
from rising and coming into contact with the bearings, and 
also to quench all fire de-ashed.  Fine ash mixed on oiled 
bearing faces causes the latter to wear quickly, resulting in 


Name the parts of a Sellers injector? 


The outside connections to the body of the injector are the 
steam supply pipe, water supply pipe, and delivery pipe and 
overflow pipe. 


The internal parts of the injector include the steam and water 
valve, overflow and non-return check valve, and 
supplementary water valve.  It also contains the lifting 
nozzle, forcing nozzle, and combining and delivery tubes. 


Refer in FIGURE 9a - b in Annex A. 


What are the likely defects of injectors and their 


The defects likely to occur and the remedies of some are as 



Storage of water in tender. 


Tenders should be filled. 


Dirty screens in the union hose of the suction 



To be uncoupled and cleaned.  Whilst 
uncoupled, the overflow valve should be 
closed with the cam lever, the water 
valve and steam valve opened, and 
steam blown back through the 
uncoupled suction pipe.   



The overflow valve should then be re-
opened, and the water cock on the 
tender opened to make sure that a full 
supply of water passes through the 
uncoupled water pipe.  At the same 
time, the position of the handle when the 
water is flowing full on is noted, the 
conical screen is then replaced and the 
suction pipe coupled up. 



Chapter 11: - General Engine Questions and Answers 




A tight lid on the back of the tender may cause 
an air lock and hold the water back.  If so the lid 
of the tender should be lifted. 



Steam and clack valves blowing will cause the 
injector to overheat, resulting in water flashing 
into steam, preventing a vacuum from being 
created in the suction pipe. 



The defective valves should be booked 
for attention and meanwhile, the injector 
should be cooled down with cold water 
to enable it to be operated.  Reduced 
steam pressure will often assist to work 
an injector tending to overheat. 



At leakage into the suction pipes will also cause 
trouble in correcting a vacuum.  In such cases, 
loose joints should be tightening up. 


How is an injector operated? 


To operate the injector it is first ascertained that the tender is 
supplied with water and that sufficient steam is available for 
the use of the injector.  The steam valve to the supply pipe is 
fully opened, the water supply valve on the tender is opened, 
and it is ascertained that the clack valve stop cock is 


The water regulating valve is then opened, and the steam 
valve opened just sufficient to allow a small amount of 
steam, passing through the lifting nozzle and through the 
body of the injector, to lift the overflow valve and escape at 
the overflow pipe. 


This creates a vacuum in the body of the injector and suction 
pipe.  This vacuum, in turn, is destroyed by the action of the 
atmospheric pressure acting on the top of the water in the 
tender, forcing the water into the body of the injector and out 
of the overflow pipe. 


When water appears at the overflow pipe, the steam valve 
starting lever should be drawn out to the full travel to allow a 
full flow of steam to pass through the forcing nozzle.  The 
steam mixing with the water in the combining and delivery 
tubes condenses and forms a solid stream of water, and its 
velocity through the delivery pipe is such that it opens the 
clack valve and enters the boiler against the boiler pressure.   



Chapter 11: - General Engine Questions and Answers 




The combining tube is perforated and is surrounded by 
water, which is drawn into the combining tube to maintain a 
constant stream of water into the boiler when the injector is 


If the clack valve becomes stuck while in the open 
position, what action should be taken to remedy the 


An attempt should be made to close the valve by tapping the 
clack box with a piece of wood or by pouring cold water over 
it.  If this is not successful, the stop cock must be closed and 
the clack valve given attention. 


What are the principle causes of boilers failing to steam 


Tubes blocked up or dirty, defective brick arch or deflector 
plate, leaky wall  stays, flanges or tubes; dampers not 
properly opened or adjusted, dirty or choked fire, bad firing, 
smoke box drawing air at the door, steam pipes, saddle 
casting or ash ejector chute; spark arresters blocked up; 
blast pipes choked up, out of line or blowi ng through at base; 
pump exhaust pipe and blower pipe leaking at connections 
inside smokebox; and valves and pistons blowing through 


What are the causes of spark arresters blocking up? 


Working with the fire door closed lightly, when the engine is 
under heavy steam, uneven feeding of coal to the firebed, 
dampers not opening sufficiently; choked blast pipe; working 
the fire bars when the engine is under heavy steam or when 
the blower is hard on; opening of the regulator full wide at 
first pull  when running into a rising grade; and the boiler 


If steam pressure falls quickly when the regulator is 
opened, what are the principle causes? 


Valves and pistons blowing through, steam blowing from the 
super heater header, elements, or steam pipe joints. 


How may a test be made for steam blows causing bad 


The brakes should be applied hard on, the smokebox door 
opened, the reversing lever placed in the central position 
and the regulator opened, all joints in the smokebox are then 
examined for leaks. 








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