Hyundai Veracruz (2012 year). Instruction - part 18


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Hyundai Veracruz (2012 year). Instruction - part 18



Driving your vehicle
WARNING - Tire chains
Use high quality ethylene glycol
Change to "winter weight" oil if
The use of chains may adversely
affect vehicle handling.
Your vehicle is delivered with high quality
In some climates it is recommended that
Do not exceed 20 mph (30 km/h)
ethylene glycol coolant in the cooling
a lower viscosity "winter weight" oil be
or the chain manufacturer’s rec-
system. It is the only type of coolant that
used during cold weather. See section 8
ommended speed limit, whichev-
should be used because it helps prevent
for recommendations. If you aren't sure
er is lower.
corrosion in the cooling system, lubri-
what weight oil you should use, consult
Drive carefully and avoid bumps,
cates the water pump and prevents
an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.
holes, sharp turns, and other
freezing. Be sure to replace or replenish
road hazards, which may cause
your coolant in accordance with the
the vehicle to bounce.
maintenance schedule in section
Check spark plugs and ignition
Avoid sharp turns or locked-
Before winter, have your coolant tested to
assure that its freezing point is sufficient
wheel braking.
for the temperatures anticipated during
Inspect your spark plugs as described in
the winter.
section 7 and replace them if necessary.
Also check all ignition wiring and compo-
nents to be sure they are not cracked,
Chains that are the wrong size or
worn or damaged in any way.
Check battery and cables
improperly installed can damage
your vehicle's brake lines, sus-
Winter puts additional burdens on the
pension, body and wheels.
battery system. Visually inspect the bat-
tery and cables as described in section
Stop driving and retighten the
7. The level of charge in your battery can
chains any time you hear them
be checked by an authorized HYUNDAI
hitting the vehicle.
dealer or a service station.
5 44
Driving your vehicle
To keep locks from freezing
Don't let your parking brake
Carry emergency equipment
To keep the locks from freezing, squirt an
Depending on the severity of the weath-
approved de-icer fluid or glycerine into
Under some conditions your parking
er where you drive your car, you should
the key opening. If a lock is covered with
brake can freeze in the engaged position.
carry appropriate emergency equipment.
ice, squirt it with an approved de-icing
This is most likely to happen when there
Some of the items you may want to carry
fluid to remove the ice. If the lock is
is an accumulation of snow or ice around
include tire chains, tow straps or chains,
frozen internally, you may be able to thaw
or near the rear brakes or if the brakes
flashlight, emergency flares, sand, a
it out by using a heated key. Handle the
are wet. If there is a risk the parking
shovel, jumper cables, a window scraper,
heated key with care to avoid injury.
brake may freeze, apply it only temporar-
gloves, ground cloth, coveralls, a blanket,
ily while you put the gear selector lever in
P (automatic transaxle) and block the
rear wheels so the car cannot roll. Then
Use approved window washer
release the parking brake.
anti-freeze in system
To keep the water in the window washer
system from freezing, add an approved
Don't let ice and snow accumu-
window washer anti-freeze solution in
accordance with instructions on the con-
late underneath
tainer. Window washer anti-freeze is
Under some conditions, snow and ice
available from an authorized HYUNDAI
can build up under the fenders and inter-
dealer and most auto parts outlets. Do
fere with the steering. When driving in
not use engine coolant or other types of
severe winter conditions where this may
anti-freeze as these may damage the
happen, you should periodically check
paint finish.
underneath the car to be sure the move-
ment of the front wheels and the steering
components is not obstructed.
5 45
Driving your vehicle
Remember that trailering is different than
If you are considering towing with with
WARNING - Weight limits
just driving your vehicle by itself.
your car, you should first check with your
Trailering means changes in handling,
Before towing, make sure the total
state’s Department of Motor Vehicles to
durability, and fuel economy. Successful,
trailer weight, gross combination
determine their legal requirements.
weight, gross vehicle weight, gross
safe trailering requires correct equip-
Since laws vary from state to state the
axle weight and trailer tongue load
ment, and it has to be used properly.
requirements for towing trailers, cars, or
are all within the limits.
other types of vehicles or apparatus may
This section contains many time-tested,
differ. Ask an authorized HYUNDAI deal-
important trailering tips and safety rules.
er for further details before towing.
Many of these are important for your
safety and that of your passengers.
Pulling a trailer improperly can
Please read this section carefully before
WARNING - Towing a trail-
damage your vehicle and result in
you pull a trailer.
costly repairs not covered by your
If you don't use the correct equip-
warranty. To pull a trailer correctly,
ment and drive improperly, you can
follow the advice in this section.
Load-pulling components such as the
lose control when you pull a trailer.
engine, transaxle, wheel assemblies, and
For example, if the trailer is too
tires are forced to work harder against
heavy, the brakes may not work
Your vehicle can tow a trailer. To identify
the load of the added weight. The engine
well - or even at all. You and your
what the vehicle trailering capacity is for
is required to operate at relatively higher
passengers could be seriously or
your vehicle, you should read the infor-
speeds and under greater loads. This
fatally injured. Pull a trailer only if
mation in
“Weight of the trailer” that
additional burden generates extra heat.
you have followed all the steps in
appears later in this section.
The trailer also adds considerably to
this section.
wind resistance, increasing the pulling
5 46
Driving your vehicle
Safety chains
Trailer brakes
It's important to have the correct hitch
You should always attach chains
If your trailer is equipped with a braking
equipment. Crosswinds, large trucks
between your vehicle and your trailer.
system, make sure it conforms to federal
going by, and rough roads are a few rea-
Cross the safety chains under the tongue
and/or local regulations and that it is
sons why you’ll need the right hitch. Here
of the trailer so that the tongue will not
properly installed and operating correctly.
are some rules to follow:
drop to the road if it becomes separated
If your trailer weighs more than the max-
Will you have to make any holes in the
from the hitch.
imum trailer weight without trailer brakes
body of your vehicle when you install a
Instructions about safety chains may be
loaded, then it needs its own brakes and
trailer hitch? If you do, then be sure to
provided by the hitch manufacturer or by
they must be adequate. Be sure to read
seal the holes later when you remove
the trailer manufacturer. Follow the man-
and follow the instructions for the trailer
the hitch.
ufacturer’s recommendation for attaching
brakes so you’ll be able to install, adjust
If you don’t seal them, deadly carbon
safety chains. Always leave just enough
and maintain them properly.
monoxide (CO) from your exhaust can
slack so you can turn with your trailer.
• Don’t tap into your vehicle's brake sys-
get into your vehicle, as well as dirt and
And, never allow safety chains to drag on
the ground.
The bumpers on your vehicle are not
WARNING - Trailer brakes
intended for hitches. Do not attach
Do not use a trailer with its own
rental hitches or other bumper-type
brakes unless you are absolutely
hitches to them. Use only a frame-
mounted hitch that does not attach to
certain that you have properly set
up the brake system. This is not a
the bumper.
task for amateurs. Use an experi-
HYUNDAI trailer hitch accessory is
enced, competent trailer shop for
available at an authorized HYUNDAI
this work.
5 47
Driving your vehicle
Driving with a trailer
Following distance
Making turns
Towing a trailer requires a certain
Stay at least twice as far behind the vehi-
When you’re turning with a trailer, make
amount of experience. Before setting out
cle ahead as you would when driving
wider turns than normal. Do this so your
for the open road, you must get to know
your vehicle without a trailer. This can
trailer won’t strike soft shoulders, curbs,
your trailer. Acquaint yourself with the
help you avoid situations that require
road signs, trees, or other objects. Avoid
feel of handling and braking with the
heavy braking and sudden turns.
jerky or sudden maneuvers. Signal well
added weight of the trailer. And always
in advance.
keep in mind that the vehicle you are
driving is now a good deal longer and not
nearly so responsive as your vehicle is
Turn signals when towing a trailer
You’ll need more passing distance up
by itself.
When you tow a trailer, your vehicle has
ahead when you’re towing a trailer. And,
Before you start, check the trailer hitch
to have a different turn signal flasher and
because of the increased vehicle length,
and platform, safety chains, electrical
extra wiring. The green arrows on your
you’ll need to go much farther beyond the
connector(s), lights, tires and mirror
instrument panel will flash whenever you
passed vehicle before you can return to
adjustment. If the trailer has electric
signal a turn or lane change. Properly
your lane.
brakes, start your vehicle and trailer mov-
connected, the trailer lights will also flash
ing and then apply the trailer brake con-
to alert other drivers you’re about to turn,
troller by hand to be sure the brakes are
change lanes, or stop.
Backing up
working. This lets you check your electri-
When towing a trailer, the green arrows
cal connection at the same time.
Hold the bottom of the steering wheel
on your instrument panel will flash for
with one hand. Then, to move the trailer
turns even if the bulbs on the trailer are
During your trip, check occasionally to be
to the left, just move your hand to the left.
burned out. Thus, you may think drivers
sure that the load is secure, and that the
lights and any trailer brakes are still work-
To move the trailer to the right, move your
behind you are seeing your signals
hand to the right. Always back up slowly
when, in fact, they are not. It’s important
and, if possible, have someone guide
to check occasionally to be sure the trail-
er bulbs are still working. You must also
check the lights every time you discon-
nect and then reconnect the wires.
Do not connect a trailer lighting system
directly to your vehicle’s lighting system.
Use only an approved trailer wiring har-
Driving your vehicle
An authorized HYUNDAI dealer can
assist you in installing the wiring harness.
WARNING - Parking on a
When towing a trailer on steep
(in excess of
6%) pay
Parking your vehicle on a hill with a
close attention to the engine
trailer attached could cause seri-
Failure to use an approved trailer
coolant temperature gauge to
ous injury or death, should the trail-
wiring harness could result in dam-
ensure the engine does not over-
er break loose.
age to the vehicle electrical system
heat. If the needle of the coolant
and/or personal injury.
temperature gauge moves across
the dial towards “H” (HOT), pull
However, if you ever have to park your
over and stop as soon as it is safe
trailer on a hill, here's how to do it:
Driving on grades
to do so, and allow the engine to
1. Pull the vehicle into the parking space.
idle until it cools down. You may
Turn the steering wheel in the direction
Reduce speed and shift to a lower gear
proceed once the engine has
of the curb (right if headed down hill,
before you start down a long or steep
cooled sufficiently.
left if headed up hill).
downgrade. If you don’t shift down, you
might have to use your brakes so much
You must decide driving speed
2. If the vehicle has a manual transaxle,
that they would get hot and no longer
depending on trailer weight and
place the car in neutral. If the vehicle
operate efficiently.
uphill grade to reduce the possi-
has an automatic transaxle, place the
bility of engine and transaxle
car in P (Park).
On a long uphill grade, shift down and
reduce your speed to around 45 mph (70
3. Set the parking brake and shut off the
km/h) to reduce the possibility of engine
and transaxle overheating.
4. Place chocks under the trailer wheels
If your trailer weighs more than the max-
on the down hill side of the wheels.
Parking on hills
imum trailer weight without trailer brakes
5. Start the vehicle, hold the brakes, shift
and you have an automatic transaxle,
Generally, if you have a trailer attached to
to neutral, release the parking brake
you should drive in D (Drive) when tow-
your vehicle, you should not park your
and slowly release the brakes until the
ing a trailer.
vehicle on a hill. People can be seriously
trailer chocks absorb the load.
or fatally injured, and both your vehicle
Operating your vehicle in D (Drive) when
6. Reapply the brakes, reapply the park-
and the trailer can be damaged if unex-
towing a trailer will minimize heat build up
ing brake and shift the vehicle to R
and extend the life of your transaxle.
pectedly roll down hill.
(Reverse) for manual transaxle or P
(Park) automatic transaxle.
5 49
Driving your vehicle
7. Shut off the vehicle and release the
vehicle brakes but leave the parking
Maintenance when trailer towing
brake set.
Due to higher load during trailer
Your vehicle will need service more often
usage, overheating might occur
when you regularly pull a trailer.
Important items to pay particular atten-
in hot days or during uphill driv-
WARNING - Parking brake
tion to include engine oil, automatic
ing. If the coolant gauge indicates
It can be dangerous to get out of
over-heating, switch off the A/C
transaxle fluid, axle lubricant and cooling
your vehicle if the parking brake is
and stop the vehicle in a safe area
system fluid. Brake condition is another
not firmly set.
to cool down the engine.
important item to frequently check. Each
If you have left the engine running,
item is covered in this manual, and the
When towing check transaxle
the vehicle can move suddenly. You
Index will help you find them quickly. If
fluid more frequently.
or others could be seriously or
you’re trailering, it’s a good idea to review
If your vehicle is not equipped
fatally injured.
these sections before you start your trip.
with air conditioning, you should
Don’t forget to also maintain your trailer
install a condenser fan to improve
and hitch. Follow the maintenance
engine performance when towing
When you are ready to leave after park-
schedule that accompanied your trailer
a trailer.
ing on a hill
and check it periodically. Preferably, con-
1. With the automatic transaxle in P
duct the check at the start of each day’s
(Park), apply your brakes and hold the
driving. Most importantly, all hitch nuts
brake pedal down while you:
and bolts should be tight.
• Start your engine;
• Shift into gear; and
• Release the parking brake.
2. Slowly remove your foot from the
brake pedal.
3. Drive slowly until the trailer is clear of
the chocks.
4. Stop and have someone pick up and
store the chocks.
5 50
Driving your vehicle
lbs. (kg)
If you do decide to pull a trailer
Maximum Towable Weight
Here are some important points if you
decide to pull a trailer:
Consider using a sway control. You can
With Brake
3,500 (1,588)
350 (159)
ask a hitch dealer about sway control.
Without Brake
1,650 (748)
165 (75)
Do not do any towing with your car dur-
ing its first 1,200 miles (2,000 km) in
❈ Boat Trailer Weight (with brake) : 4,500 lbs (2,041 kg)
order to allow the engine to properly
❈ Maximum Towable Weight : 2 person (Driver and 1 passenger)
break in. Failure to heed this caution
may result in serious engine or
transaxle damage.
When towing a trailer, be sure to con-
sult an authorized HYUNDAI dealer for
further information on additional
requirements such as a towing kit, etc.
Always drive your vehicle at a moder-
ate speed (less than 60 mph / 100
On a long uphill grade, do not exceed
45 mph (70 km/h) or the posted towing
speed limit, whichever is lower.
The chart contains important consider-
ations that have to do with weight:
5 51
Driving your vehicle
The trailer tongue should weigh a maxi-
mum of 10% of the total loaded trailer
weight, within the limits of the maximum
trailer tongue load permissible. After
you've loaded your trailer, weigh the trail-
er and then the tongue, separately, to
see if the weights are proper. If they
aren’t, you may be able to correct them
simply by moving some items around in
the trailer.
Tongue Load
Total Trailer Weight
Gross Axle Weight
Gross Vehicle Weight
WARNING - Trailer
Never load a trailer with more
weight in the rear than in the
Weight of the trailer
Weight of the trailer tongue
front. The front should be loaded
How heavy can a trailer safely be? It
The tongue load of any trailer is an
with approximately
60% of the
should never weigh more than the maxi-
important weight to measure because it
total trailer load; the rear should
mum trailer weight with trailer brakes. But
affects the total gross vehicle weight
be loaded with approximately 40%
even that can be too heavy.
(GVW) of your vehicle. This weight
of the total trailer load.
It depends on how you plan to use your
includes the curb weight of the vehicle,
Never exceed the maximum
trailer. For example, speed, altitude, road
any cargo you may carry in it, and the
weight limits of the trailer or trail-
grades, outside temperature and how
people who will be riding in the vehicle.
er towing equipment. Improper
often your vehicle is used to pull a trailer
And if you will tow a trailer, you must add
loading can result in damage to
are all important. The ideal trailer weight
the tongue load to the GVW because
your vehicle and/or personal
can also depend on any special equip-
your vehicle will also be carrying that
injury. Check weights and loading
ment that you have on your vehicle.
at a commercial scale or highway
patrol office equipped with scales.
An improperly loaded trailer can
cause loss of vehicle control.
5 52
Driving your vehicle
4 : Signal (Tail light)
5 : Signal (Left turn signal light)
6 : Signal (Stop light)
The rear parking assist system
connectors are installed in the
left bottom back of vehicle. Do
The power connector (A) that is connect-
not touch the connectors.
ed with a controller to operate the trailer
When using the trailer pack, open
lamp and the connector (B) used to judge
the cap(C) and then connect it to
whether the vehicle lamp operates prop-
the connector. After using the
erly is installed in the right bottom back of
connector, disconnect it and
the vehicle.
always put the cap(C) back on the
You can use it, when needed.
corresponding connector. If the
cap is not replaced, foreign ele-
ments such as dust or liquid may
damage the vehicle.
You must use a separate con-
troller to use the power connec-
tor(A) to operate the trailer lamp.
The connector B is only for the
vehicle lamp. Therefore, do not
use the connector B to operate
the trailer lamp. It may blow out
the fuse and damage the vehicle.
While the connector is connected
Trailer connector
to the trailer, make sure the con-
nector wire does not go near the
A : Power connector
muffler. The heat from the muffler
B : Signal connector
may damage the wire.
C : Connector Cap
1 : Power supply for trailer lamp (30A/B+)
2 : Ground
3 : Signal (Right turn signal light)
5 53
Driving your vehicle
Vehicle capacity weight:
Towing capacity:
1160 lbs. (526 kg)
Without trailer brakes:
1650 lbs (748 kg)
Vehicle capacity weight is the maxi-
mum combined weight of occupants
With trailer brakes:
and cargo. If your vehicle is equipped
3500 lbs (1588 kg)
with a trailer, the combined weight
Towing capacity is the maximum
includes the tongue load.
trailer weight including its cargo
weight, your vehicle can tow.
Seating capacity:
Total : 7 persons
Cargo capacity:
(Front seat : 2 persons,
The cargo capacity of your vehicle
Rear seat : 5 persons)
will increase or decrease depending
on the weight and the number of
Seating capacity is the maximum
occupants and the tongue load, if
number of occupants including a
your vehicle is equipped with a trail-
driver, your vehicle may carry.
However, the seating capacity may
be reduced based upon the weight of
all of the occupants, and the weight
of the cargo being carried or towed.
Steps For Determining Correct Load
Do not overload the vehicle as there
Limit -
Tire and loading information label
is a limit to the total weight, or load
1. Locate the statement "The com-
The label located on the driver's door
limit including occupants and cargo,
bined weight of occupants and
sill gives the original tire size, cold
the vehicle can carry.
cargo should never exceed XXX
tire pressures recommended for your
kg or XXX lbs.'' on your vehicle's
vehicle, the number of people that
can be in your vehicle and vehicle
capacity weight.
5 54
Driving your vehicle
2. Determine the combined weight of
Example 1
Example 2
the driver and passengers that will
be riding in your vehicle.
3. Subtract the combined weight of
the driver and passengers from
XXX kg or XXX lbs.
4. The resulting figure equals the
available amount of cargo and lug-
gage load capacity. For example, if
the "XXX" amount equals 1400
lbs. and there will be five 150 lbs.
passengers in your vehicle, the
amount of available cargo and lug-
gage load capacity is
650 lb
(1400-750 (5 x 150) = 650 lbs.)
Vehicle Capacity
1400 lbs
Vehicle Capacity
1400 lbs
5. Determine the combined weight of
(635 kg)
(635 kg)
luggage and cargo being loaded
Subtract Occupant
Subtract Occupant
300 lbs
750 lbs
on the vehicle. That weight may
not safely exceed the available
(136 kg)
(340 kg)
150 lbs (68 kg) × 2
150 lbs (68 kg) × 5
cargo and luggage load capacity
calculated in Step 4.
Available Cargo and
1100 lbs
Available Cargo and
650 lbs
6. If your vehicle will be towing a trail-
Luggage weight
(499 kg)
Luggage weight
(295 kg)
er, load from your trailer will be
transferred to your vehicle. Consult
Refer to your vehicle’s tire and loading information label for specific informa-
tion about your vehicle's capacity weight and seating positions. The com-
this manual to determine how this
reduces the available cargo and
bined weight of the driver, passengers and cargo should never exceed your
vehicle's capacity weight.
luggage load capacity of your
5 55
Driving your vehicle
Example 3
To find out the actual loads on your
front and rear axles, you need to go
to a weigh station and weigh your
vehicle.Your dealer can help you with
this. Be sure to spread out your load
equally on both sides of the center-
WARNING - Over loading
Never exceed the GVWR for
your vehicle, the GAWR for
either the front or rear axle
and vehicle capacity weight.
Certification label
Exceeding these ratings can
Vehicle Capacity
1400 lbs
cause an accident or vehicle
The certification label is located on
(635 kg)
damage. You can calculate the
the driver's door sill at the center pil-
weight of your load by weigh-
Subtract Occupant
860 lbs
ing the items
(or people)
This label shows the maximum
before putting them in the
(390 kg)
allowable weight of the fully loaded
172 lbs (78 kg) × 5
vehicle. Be careful not to over-
vehicle. This is called the GVWR
load your vehicle.
Available Cargo and
540 lbs
(Gross Vehicle Weight Rating). The
Luggage weight
(245 kg)
GVWR includes the weight of the
vehicle, all occupants, fuel and
This label also tells you the maxi-
mum weight that can be supported
by the front and rear axles, called
Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR).
5 56
Driving your vehicle
WARNING - Loose cargo
• Do not load your vehicle any
Overloading your vehicle can
Items you carry inside your
heavier than the GVWR, either
cause heat buildup in your
vehicle can strike and injure
the maximum front or rear
vehicle's tires and possible
occupants in a sudden stop or
GAWR and vehicle capacity
tire failure that could lead to a
turn, or in a crash.
weight. If you do, parts,
Put items in the cargo area of
including tires on your vehicle
Overloading your vehicle can
your vehicle. Try to spread the
can break, and it can change
cause increased stopping dis-
weight evenly.
the way your vehicle handles
tances that could lead to a
and braking ability. This could
Never stack items, like suit-
cause you to lose control and
cases, inside the vehicle
crash. Also, overloading can
A crash resulting from poor
above the tops of the seats.
shorten the life of your vehi-
handling vehicle damage, tire
Do not leave an unsecured
failure, or increased stopping
child restraint in your vehicle.
distances could result in seri-
When you carry something
ous injury or death.
inside the vehicle, secure it.
The label will help you decide how
Do not drive with a seat folded
much cargo and installed equipment
down unless necessary.
your vehicle can carry.
Overloading your vehicle may
cause damage. Repairs would
If you carry items inside your vehicle
not be covered by your warran-
- like suitcases, tools, packages, or
ty. Do not overload your vehicle.
anything else - they are moving as
Using heavier suspension com-
fast as the vehicle. If you have to stop
ponents to get added durability
or turn quickly, or if there is a crash,
might not change your weight
the items will keep going and can
ratings. Ask your dealer to help
cause an injury if they strike the driv-
you load your vehicle the right
er or a passenger.
5 57
Driving your vehicle
Cargo weight
GVWR (Gross vehicle weight rating)
This section will guide you in the proper
loading of your vehicle and/or trailer, to
This figure includes all weight added to
This is the maximum allowable weight of
keep your loaded vehicle weight within its
the Base Curb Weight, including cargo
the fully loaded vehicle
(including all
design rating capability, with or without a
and optional equipment.
options, equipment, passengers and
trailer. Properly loading your vehicle will
cargo). The GVWR is shown on the cer-
provide maximum return of the vehicle
tification label located on the driver’s
design performance. Before loading your
door sill.
GAW (Gross axle weight)
vehicle, familiarize yourself with the fol-
This is the total weight placed on each
lowing terms for determining your vehi-
axle (front and rear) - including vehicle
cle's weight ratings, with or without a
curb weight and all payload.
trailer, from the vehicle's specifications
and the certification label:
GAWR (Gross axle weight rating)
Base curb weight
This is the maximum allowable weight
that can be carried by a single axle (front
This is the weight of the vehicle including
or rear). These numbers are shown on
a full tank of fuel and all standard equip-
the certification label.
ment. It does not include passengers,
The total load on each axle must never
cargo, or optional equipment.
exceed its GAWR.
Vehicle curb weight
GVW (Gross vehicle weight)
This is the weight of your new vehicle
when you picked it up from your dealer
This is the Base Curb Weight plus actual
plus any aftermarket equipment.
Cargo Weight plus passengers.
5 58
Road warning / 6-2
In case of an emergency while driving / 6-2
If the engine will not start / 6-3
Emergency starting / 6-4
If the engine overheats / 6-6
Tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) / 6-7
If you have a flat tire / 6-12
Towing / 6-21
What to do in an emergency
What to do in an emergency
It should be used whenever emergency
repairs are being made or when the vehi-
cle is stopped near the edge of a road-
If the engine stalls at a crossroad
or crossing
Depress the flasher switch with the igni-
If the engine stalls at a crossroad or
tion switch in any position. The flasher
crossing, set the shift lever in the N
switch is located in the center console
(Neutral) position and then push the vehi-
switch panel. All turn signal lights will
cle to a safe place.
flash simultaneously.
• The hazard warning flasher operates
whether your vehicle is running or not.
If you have a flat tire while driving
• The turn signals do not work when the
If a tire goes flat while you are driving:
hazard flasher is on.
1. Take your foot off the accelerator pedal
Hazard warning flasher
• Care must be taken when using the
and let the car slow down while driving
The hazard warning flasher serves as a
hazard warning flasher while the vehi-
straight ahead. Do not apply the brakes
warning to other drivers to exercise
cle is being towed.
immediately or attempt to pull off the
extreme caution when approaching,
road as this may cause a loss of con-
overtaking, or passing your vehicle.
trol. When the car has slowed to such
a speed that it is safe to do so, brake
carefully and pull off the road. Drive off
the road as far as possible and park on
firm, level ground. If you are on a divid-
ed highway, do not park in the median
area between the two traffic lanes.
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