• Have the vehicle loading and distribution the same every time. Calculating fuel economy 1. Fill the fuel tank completely and record the initial odometer reading 2. Each time you fill the tank, record the amount of fuel added (in 3. After at least three to five tank fill-ups, fill the fuel tank and record 4. Subtract your initial odometer reading from the current odometer 5. Follow one of the simple calculations in order to determine fuel Calculation 1: Divide total miles traveled by total gallons used. Calculation 2: Multiply liters used by 100, then divide by total Keep a record for at least one month and record the type of driving (city Driving style — good driving and fuel economy habits Give consideration to the lists that follow and you may be able to change Habits economy. • Idling for long periods of time (greater than one minute) may waste fuel. • Anticipate stopping; slowing down may eliminate the need to stop. less fuel than traveling at 65 mph [105 km/h]). 2007 Montego (mgo) Maintenance and Specifications 257 |